Im sad.... I think I just frauded by Craiglist and Paypal. I'm not happy with my first experience with either.
My first time using paypal was definitely a situation of trial and error. You definitely have to make sure the payment is completed before sending any items. Because sometimes people send an echeck which takes a couple of days to clear and it might not even clear. They might be trying to pay with an bank account that has insufficient funds and so the echeck will bounce but you might not know that for two or three days. And never rely solely on an email. Always check the account before taking any action. I have been scammed in my earlier selling days by a person claming to be ebay and then they stole my password and then were trying to sell a motorcycle using my account. So don't feel bad about getting scammed, it happens to people everyday unfortunately. What I learned from selling hundreds of items over the years using, ebay, and craigslist is that you have to assume everyone on the other side is a fucking piece of shit until you have the money in your account or in your hand. I wish this world could be more trustworthy but there are so many people using the internet trying to make a quick buck at the expense of other people. Good luck and don't lose your faith in craigslist or paypal because these really are two awesome and helpful websites.
Yeah I got a fake confirmation email
But the good news is I got my package back!!!