Why Him?? He was the best dog ever.
Last Night, my mom's dog (the family dog) Rico passed away. I don't know what happened. It was one of the most difficult experiences of my life. My mom called me in a frieght and I rush to her. Next thing i remember is Rico laying on the ground just not moving, he was breathing but very weakly. I tried to get him to the car. But by the time i went to go pick him up he convulsed and died. That image keeps re-living in my head. I just want it to stop. I get so sad just thinking about it, what if i moved faster. But even the emergency vet is so far away. I just wish i knew what happened. I just wish I was holding him while he went so he didn't feel alone. I just kept wanting him to move, just pop back up like nothing happened. But he didn't, he just laid there. This is not a good experience....It is killing me inside. So Basically please R.I.P Rico
We always loved you so much. I actually miss your horrible breath. I just want you jumping on my leg. Always following me. :-( WHY WAS THERE NOTHING I COULD DO???
I gotta stop now. Tears are way too much.
Last Night, my mom's dog (the family dog) Rico passed away. I don't know what happened. It was one of the most difficult experiences of my life. My mom called me in a frieght and I rush to her. Next thing i remember is Rico laying on the ground just not moving, he was breathing but very weakly. I tried to get him to the car. But by the time i went to go pick him up he convulsed and died. That image keeps re-living in my head. I just want it to stop. I get so sad just thinking about it, what if i moved faster. But even the emergency vet is so far away. I just wish i knew what happened. I just wish I was holding him while he went so he didn't feel alone. I just kept wanting him to move, just pop back up like nothing happened. But he didn't, he just laid there. This is not a good experience....It is killing me inside. So Basically please R.I.P Rico

We always loved you so much. I actually miss your horrible breath. I just want you jumping on my leg. Always following me. :-( WHY WAS THERE NOTHING I COULD DO???
I gotta stop now. Tears are way too much.
Sorry to hear about your doggie Passing... it is always sad to hear this kind of news even if you do not know him. Lossing a Pet is just like lossing a Family member.