The crazy shit you do when you go out of town...
Whats the Craziest thing you've done???Just outragous ripping your shirt off and rubbing your tits in a fat mans face...
or pissen on street curbs in the middle of the day
Not that these are things I've done just curiosity compels me to ask....On another note....Slipknot was awesome...Lamb of God totally rocked my box.....Shadows Fall was pretty tight..but didn't rock me as hard....LAST fucking time I ever get close to front stage...I got fucking crushed when the crowd fell at the open of Slipknot.....I was so busy trying to save these lil girls from drowning in the masses I lost track of my man .. I found him with a hand or two from the crowd dug him out from under some ginormous guy. I don't even know how I got up so fast....We found the moshpits to be much safer
Atleast people were cool knock u down pick u up...I got jacked pretty hard in the face a few times...bled from my new piercing but hey A BLAST....Great show...I've got a few pics but plan to post them later
till then..
What's new with you? recovered from said party adventure yet? I am gearing up for a hell of a bash on Saturday...going to the gymnastics club for my 4 year olds birthday shindig!