She's gone. our beauiful lil girl Kenya was killed while we were gone. my brother was staying at the house and looking after them and he left them in the yard and left. Kenya dug under the fence and was hit by a car. we got the phone call Sat from a very kind man who found her. My brother was still out. never should have happened, they never should have been left in the yard. Teq was found and is ok but has been very high strung and has been whining lots since we got home. my beautiful mutt is gone, my little girl, and the house is so empty and quiet. I have no idea what to do with myself now. Imperfectly and maverik75 have been amazing and just wonderfully supportive (thanks guys) it's a amazing thing to have such good friends.
She took up so much space and energy and time in our lives and it all seems kinda empty now. I can't believe she's gone. her food dish with food in it and her funny little box to hide her food are still in their spot, her collor is on the table and I can't even look at it. I have no idea what now to do.
I love you so much Kenya, my beatiful mutt, my little girl

She took up so much space and energy and time in our lives and it all seems kinda empty now. I can't believe she's gone. her food dish with food in it and her funny little box to hide her food are still in their spot, her collor is on the table and I can't even look at it. I have no idea what now to do.
I love you so much Kenya, my beatiful mutt, my little girl

Thanks! and I'm very sorry to hear about Kenya, its such a sad thing to lose a pet...
loosing a puppy sux.. i just lost 2 in a row.
have a good cry...