So the new job is going well for the most part. It'll definetly take some time to get used to the whole AA/NA thing but I'll manage. I'm not backing down on anything and I won't regardless of how many times I have to explain myself, I'd bitch ,ore on that but I'm tired tonight. I was thinking that it's been almost 7 years since I've worked full time. so I guess I'm a productive contributing member of society....crazy eh?
So my darlin hubby already outed us in his blog. Which for the record the second coming out of my life, course the first time it was ME who outed ME (
) Anyways we do enjoy the swinging lifestyle and I personally love it. Lots of fun and we are extremely lucky to have playmates that are wonderful people who just happen to be sexy as all hell
That's right, good for us!
So my darlin hubby already outed us in his blog. Which for the record the second coming out of my life, course the first time it was ME who outed ME (

And echoing Ali_bug, wow on the's working out ok? That's super cool.
Ya its weird, I'm all for open relationships when things are casual, cuz I love being a stud but when I'm in love I'm too friggin selfish and don't like to share