For the event:

Soooo the social work grad party was a ridiculous event and Nat and I were literally the first out the door, which is funny considering how excited I was to go. 2 mins after arriving and I couldn't remember why I wanted to go. FUNNY THAT. Our table was the ONLY one not full with only 2 others with us, which was alright cuz they cool.
But my (mostly) self imposed alienation from this cheesy band of females was clearly evident as most people left us alone execpt for the really phoney people (maybe one or to ok ones). Phoney girls squeezed in cheesy dresses with professionally done hair and make-up posing under a white wodden and fake flowers arch is enough to make any self-respecting hard-ass mock repeatedly then bail. But here's the kicker, a "friends" almost completly ignored me, and I think it was cuz they didn't want to introduce me to their families/parents/kids. (never the kinda gril to bring home to mom) so FUCK IT clean breaks are good, and at this point I would be fine with never seeing any of those ridiculous bitches again.
wow, feel better now, I love letting my assholeness roar
moving on: My wonderful husband Nat gave me a dozen roses and an ipod for grad presents!

I love my ipod so much! it's awesome I have so much of my music all in hand now and it's exciting. Nat you rock
and I love you madly and you're the bestest husband ever!
We have a WHOLE house ful of people at the moment recruited for working on the floors so lotsa pics for next time

Soooo the social work grad party was a ridiculous event and Nat and I were literally the first out the door, which is funny considering how excited I was to go. 2 mins after arriving and I couldn't remember why I wanted to go. FUNNY THAT. Our table was the ONLY one not full with only 2 others with us, which was alright cuz they cool.
But my (mostly) self imposed alienation from this cheesy band of females was clearly evident as most people left us alone execpt for the really phoney people (maybe one or to ok ones). Phoney girls squeezed in cheesy dresses with professionally done hair and make-up posing under a white wodden and fake flowers arch is enough to make any self-respecting hard-ass mock repeatedly then bail. But here's the kicker, a "friends" almost completly ignored me, and I think it was cuz they didn't want to introduce me to their families/parents/kids. (never the kinda gril to bring home to mom) so FUCK IT clean breaks are good, and at this point I would be fine with never seeing any of those ridiculous bitches again.
wow, feel better now, I love letting my assholeness roar
moving on: My wonderful husband Nat gave me a dozen roses and an ipod for grad presents!

I love my ipod so much! it's awesome I have so much of my music all in hand now and it's exciting. Nat you rock

We have a WHOLE house ful of people at the moment recruited for working on the floors so lotsa pics for next time
Congrats on graduating!