So great Red Deer group (Imperfectly & maverik75, ali_bug & malachm and me and Nathanial) had a fabulous BBQ night on Sat. (see the girls blogs for pics) was lotsa fun. Have had lotsa fun since then.
My grad party for the social work program is on Thursday and I'm excited. There will be pics of Nat and I dressed for the occasion soon after.
I would now like to introduce (in my opinion) one of the greatest artists of our time. He is amazingly talented, wonderfully weird, also a musican and is currently at a all-artist community in Europe for 3 months to just work on his art.
Here is Tim Rechner

shot of his last show "Hammering a Nail Through A Flower

and him with some of his art at one of his shows last year.
I googled him today and got a bazillion hits, for his art and his music (see his music Champion Alberta) which is fuckin awesome. He should be appreciated in his time. Oh did I mention this is my cousin? Yes yes blatent pimping I know, but still he's an awesome artist
My grad party for the social work program is on Thursday and I'm excited. There will be pics of Nat and I dressed for the occasion soon after.
I would now like to introduce (in my opinion) one of the greatest artists of our time. He is amazingly talented, wonderfully weird, also a musican and is currently at a all-artist community in Europe for 3 months to just work on his art.
Here is Tim Rechner

shot of his last show "Hammering a Nail Through A Flower

and him with some of his art at one of his shows last year.
I googled him today and got a bazillion hits, for his art and his music (see his music Champion Alberta) which is fuckin awesome. He should be appreciated in his time. Oh did I mention this is my cousin? Yes yes blatent pimping I know, but still he's an awesome artist
artist in the family is always cool, and a musician besides. some people have *all* of the skills.