We had lotsa fun and yummpy crepes with Imperfectly and her man last night. And unfortunetly my man Nathanial IS going out of town for at least this week
Yes that's right over Valentines Day (
) and possibly over reading week (week after this one)
He's leaving in the early a.m. on Monday, and strangely enough Imperfectly's man is also leaving to go work this week to, so we'll be lonley together I guess
I went to Vancouver for 3 weeks when we first got together, we were maybe together a month and a half, but since then we haven't had more than 2 nights apart, so I'm a little nervous about being alone for so long...but I still have my furry family

I had a little bit of an incident last night with my kitty Cyrus, he was acting off so I tested his blodd glucose (
) and he was SUPER low, WAY to low. So I had a small meltdown but lucky for me the wonderful and super helpful people on the Feline Diabetes website talked me thru what to do and everything turned out ok. I'll be driving him crazy all day monitoring is glucose levels, but I need to make sure he's ok . He's not a very happy kitty right now but I'd be pissed too if someone was stabbing and pinching at my ears too so I'll forgive the scratches

I went to Vancouver for 3 weeks when we first got together, we were maybe together a month and a half, but since then we haven't had more than 2 nights apart, so I'm a little nervous about being alone for so long...but I still have my furry family

I had a little bit of an incident last night with my kitty Cyrus, he was acting off so I tested his blodd glucose (

What is the difference between a bar and a pub?
I was trying to say I am definitely not a club person.....don't like loud shitty music and dancing.....