Leaving for Scotland and Ireland today for two weeks. I can't wait to get some good beer. It Will be a blast.
I am looking forward to seeing some good friends on Monday. We are going to sxsw and will have a good time.
Well I just moved to Austin and I am liking it so far. Now I just need to find some clubs or activities to do besides drinking.
I have been trying to think of a new hobby to start for when I move back to Fort Worth. So far my ideas are skydiving, glass blowing, MMA, and bowling. Now I just need to do more research about each one and pick.
Finally back it has been a while.
so i have not posted any thing in a long while almost three months now. So my bad i am going to try to post stuff more often and get more involved in the SG community.
Damn straight, Bitch!

Fuck FInales.
I have so much work these next two weeks. But then i will be free for a few weeks after that. Now if I can just get my lazy ass to do the work every thing will be just dandy. So i need to get off SG and work but i like SG too much to get off but i will do it.

Thanks Giving beak is a god send.
yeah, amen brother. how was the show?
got to drunk before the show and did not make it. so i have no idea.
I can't wait for the weekend. I need it and the parties that come with it.
amen brother