For the most part, I mock the idea of there ever having been "good old days." People who see the past through a lens of nostalgia are often overlooking (or even choosing to outright ignore) the horrors and atrocities taking place at the time. The 1950s in America seems idyllic if you only look at Norman Rockwell paintings. Never mind there was still rampant racism and sexism, sexual repression, bigotry, hatred... you get the idea. The reality is not so rosy.
Change, my friends, is a constant. It is a necessity. Change is good. Progress is good. I hope for a future where men and women are equal, where race (which is a fiction, according to science) is no longer an issue. Where you're whatever gender, sexuality, religion, or whatever you want to be, without judgement. Without persecution. Basically, I hope for the Star Trek utopia. Not just for the equality, but because there'd be sexy green alien women.
That said, I do miss when SG was more of a community, and models didn't use the site as just another form of social networking. Back before SG became Instagram with a few more nipples. Yeah, man, those were the good old days.
@chefbeth I hope for a future where hunting is unnecessary because we've figured out a way to synthesize meat that tastes as good as the real thing, yet is somehow healthier. I'm a walking contradiction- an animal rights activist who enjoys a good burger. I guess that technically makes my a hypocrite.
That's a beautiful dream :) I'm pretty afraid of synthesizing foods. I feel like it will take generations to truly understand the effects of supplying our bodies with things that are less than natural. I'm all for eating less meat and more vegetables...but I shy away from any processed food,especially things like vegan "cheese" and tofu. That much soy isn't good for my body. And I figure we are all hypocrites in our own ways . I know I am.