well, i had a good time last night. thanks to those who made it out, and thanks for the free drinks i received. but fuck, i drank too much. i dont remember much of the ride after ti stopped for gas at cermack and damen. that is bad. my first memory is getting to the main door of my condo and finding out i dont have my keys. that is also bad. they are locked in ym truck. i dont even remember getting out of the truck, let alone why the fuck i left my keys sitting on my seat. so dumb am i. i walked over to my friends place. it wasnt too far away. crashed there, had my mother come on her lunch with my spare truck key. i had to get ready for a little birthday date that is now not happening tonight. blown off for my birthday! the nerve. rescheduled for tomorrow, im doubting that will happen either. this girl sucks, but im a sucker.

Haha, I thought that myself. I think I was trying to act bored or something and it came out wrong. Good meeting you too. All in all I had a lot of fun that night.
hope u recovered from the bullshit...
here's to bowling...and fun...