back from 4 days of star wars. you know, i am nowhere near as crazy for star wars and many of the folks that showed up at this thing. lots of dress up. some good costumes, and some bad ones. but mainly, it was a lot of lines. did get see about 6 minutes of the new movie and man i cant wait. i saw it three times, it was really the best thing going on there. and as much as i wanted to go nuts and buy lots of junk, i only bought a shirt for a friend and a poster for myself. the fact that i have no money right now and a mortgage in a week or so helped keep me under control. it was fun, but im glad to be home. though im not glad to be going back to the mess that is my desk tomorrow. vacation coverage is usually pretty shaky, and mondays suck as it is, so it should be loads of fun tomorrow. oh well, time to watch deadwood. toodles

I went to a Mystery Science Theater 3000 convention once. If you thought YOU were at nerd me, you weren't.
yeah, ok, i'll watch the star wars with you...but only if you dress as princess leia.