another weekend here and gone. poof, like that. as quickly as they come sometimes, they go by twice as fast. as much as it seems like time goes by so slowly during the week when you're sitting at work/school just dying to get out, it really goes by too quickly when you look back at it. my life is slipping away. im 24. i used to be four. yes i know im still young, but shit, at this rate, i wont be for long. ive been at my job since i was 20. i wasnt even legal to drink then. now its been 3 years since i turned 21. ive wated too much time drinking in stupid bars and clubs. goota be young and have fun right? yeah, i dont know about that. sigh. no sense in really thinking of this crap. im not able to slow down life, just live it. hopefully ill make it another 24 years. god, ill be 48, it will be here before i know it
There's talk that CSX and UP will merge in the near future. That may help make things run smoother, but probably not.