its a nice day, i think i may wash the ol bike. its a bit overdue. i prefer to ride it when its nice, not wash it
i love red bull. i start to feel drowsy at my desk at work and then pow, instant high. it usually carries me for good period of time, im still feeling it now. it didnt work acouple weeks ago when i was all hungover and dragging at work. i slammed two cans and nothing.
edit: i just noticed i lost a fav suicide girl. whered you go louise
i love red bull. i start to feel drowsy at my desk at work and then pow, instant high. it usually carries me for good period of time, im still feeling it now. it didnt work acouple weeks ago when i was all hungover and dragging at work. i slammed two cans and nothing.
edit: i just noticed i lost a fav suicide girl. whered you go louise

You like the australian accent? i think we sound quite slack.
naw, thats a collection of a bucnh of different things we do for fun-