ok, its been like 8 months or so, time for a new blog.
check out my solo acoustic music page:
i got a little 3 song demo up, just covers for now until i get the originals done and recorded. ill be playing some shows around the city soon.. i just played lilly's last wednesday and it went really well.
also, there's still the stones coverband:
things are going really well in all aspects, im keeping very busy with music, work, and life i general. ill tryo to make it out to an event soon, since its was near a years absence last time. hope all is well with everyone else!
-mark taylor (thats my music name now..)
check out my solo acoustic music page:
i got a little 3 song demo up, just covers for now until i get the originals done and recorded. ill be playing some shows around the city soon.. i just played lilly's last wednesday and it went really well.
also, there's still the stones coverband:
things are going really well in all aspects, im keeping very busy with music, work, and life i general. ill tryo to make it out to an event soon, since its was near a years absence last time. hope all is well with everyone else!
-mark taylor (thats my music name now..)
we should catch a game at Crabbby Kim's or something once the season starts rolling...