saw melvins at double door tonight. as i sit here, i dont recall too much of it. but i had a good time, i pretty sure. im off tomorrow, i plan on sleeping until 2 am. holy shit, its 430 now. maybe ill sleep until 3. ill be back at the double door monday night for some metal, my friends Cianide playing a rare show. i may be up at the double door yet again on sunday for the burlesque show, thats still to be determined. what i do know is im drunk and tired right now, so peace to all you all, im going to sleep.
Witchcraft (Sweden)
Velcro Lewis & His 100 Proof Band
Swedish dark rock outfit WITCHCRAFT make their Chicago debut here. They'll be playing material from their latest Rise Above release Firewood, one that thoroughly evokes a wide range of underground sounds from decades past. In a review of the record, Dusted exclaimed, "Fuck, can these guys play" and we've been told that those same chops extend to the stage as well. Epic metal ensemble DANAVA will play second, supporting their burning Kemado debut, an album that, according to The Stranger, is akin to DAVID BOWIE seducing BLACK SABBATH, if the relationship were consummated "in a waterbed of liquid LSD."