"I do not understand how you can avoid recognizing principles, rules. What is the motive of your actions?"
"I have already told you, uncle, that we do not recognize any authorities," Arkady intervened.
"We act by the force of what we recognize as beneficial," Bazarov declared. "At the present time rejection is the most beneficial of all things, and so we reject."
"How? Not only art, poetry--but also--it is a terrible thing to say--"
"Everything!" Bazarov repeated with complete imperturbability.
[Excerpt from Ivan Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons". The novel was well known in the mid-19th century for it's nihilist themes.]
"I have already told you, uncle, that we do not recognize any authorities," Arkady intervened.
"We act by the force of what we recognize as beneficial," Bazarov declared. "At the present time rejection is the most beneficial of all things, and so we reject."
"How? Not only art, poetry--but also--it is a terrible thing to say--"
"Everything!" Bazarov repeated with complete imperturbability.
[Excerpt from Ivan Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons". The novel was well known in the mid-19th century for it's nihilist themes.]
to you too