I just found out today that the town I live in is ranked number seven in the nation for cities with the highest violent-crime rate. We are right under Miami!
What I've been up too for the last year and a half:
I'm a full time student at a Methodist College; don't ask me why, I'm not Christian. My major is English with a minor in Political Science. I do not fit in at all, and the entire atmosphere is alienating and I have to be dishonest in order to not draw attention to myself....
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I'm a full time student at a Methodist College; don't ask me why, I'm not Christian. My major is English with a minor in Political Science. I do not fit in at all, and the entire atmosphere is alienating and I have to be dishonest in order to not draw attention to myself....
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Hmmm...you seem familiar. Bah.. whatever.
Noticed you play the drums. A friend and I have yet to find a good drummer. Out of curiousity what style of music do you favor?
Noticed you play the drums. A friend and I have yet to find a good drummer. Out of curiousity what style of music do you favor?
Welcome back to delicious pornography and boards that are actually active.
I suppose I'm back. I've deteriorated since the last post, but I'm still the same person.
A sound has escaped my body--
noises cease.
Flowing forward through the muck of
my sin.
What does time look like on a dial's face
at 7:23?
Where is the center, if the circle does
not exist?
The shallow river was dried up by cynicism
and apathy.
Lock your doors, turn on the alarm,
sleep tight.
All the martyrs have sunk farther--they
gave in.
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noises cease.
Flowing forward through the muck of
my sin.
What does time look like on a dial's face
at 7:23?
Where is the center, if the circle does
not exist?
The shallow river was dried up by cynicism
and apathy.
Lock your doors, turn on the alarm,
sleep tight.
All the martyrs have sunk farther--they
gave in.
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Well don't feel bad dood I'm not really that good at leaving comments either. Dood you should of been at Chicago fest this last weekend it fucking ruled so fucking much. Muncipal Waste is the new Slayer and To What End? is the new Nausea. Later. =troy=
maaan that totally makes me wanna buy a picollo snare...

what are you talking about?
I'm sick of seeing the same bullshit about how politics will never change for the better. If you people are sick of the shit then throw a fucking bomb! It's easy to do!
First you'll need a copy of Chuck Palahnuik's "Fight Club" and follow the instructions there to make explosives. You can probably steal a copy from Books-a-MIllion or any other corporation. After you...
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First you'll need a copy of Chuck Palahnuik's "Fight Club" and follow the instructions there to make explosives. You can probably steal a copy from Books-a-MIllion or any other corporation. After you...
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i read two journals back how you were having troubles in the sack....well if neither of you are cumming you need to talk about what gets you hot... some girls just don't orgasm too. if you can get her off with as much forplay as the both of you can handle the build up is key. then you can focus on what gets you off when she's done... make her give you the play by play if she is feeling unfufilled... if that doesn't work the girl has a broken vagina and should seek help...
but since you swore off sex nevermind...
i like this journal post...
i went to madison to see zegota last night. the show was good.
but since you swore off sex nevermind...

i like this journal post...
i went to madison to see zegota last night. the show was good.
I'm not having sex again. I find it repulsive. It makes me

awww, why? do you find it generally repulsive or just one experiece makes thinking of it repulsive?
yea, i have all 4 answer me's, i love jim goad.
Lousy Sex.
I can't seem to do 'the naughty' very well. I'm horrible in the sack. If sex were a fruit; I'd be a wax apple. I might look good on the outside, but I taste bland. I've been in more than one relationship that I can't either get myself off or the woman. I try so hard that I need to take a break,...
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I can't seem to do 'the naughty' very well. I'm horrible in the sack. If sex were a fruit; I'd be a wax apple. I might look good on the outside, but I taste bland. I've been in more than one relationship that I can't either get myself off or the woman. I try so hard that I need to take a break,...
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i say learn the art of getting your girl off with your hands. i don't know what i do wrong either (and it indeed sucks, specially when you hear other guys "yeah, i got her off 3 times, no problem!") when it comes to connecting genitals but getting them off like that at least is better than nothing.
Sounds to me like you're thinking about it too much. When you do what feels good you'll get off. When you spend time concentrating on the act of cumming then you will never do it. You have to learn to calm down and let the sensations take you over. You also need to be able to communicate with your partner. Be sensitive to how whe is resonding to your actions. If you get overwhelmed too early...just slow it down...don't try so hard.
Those are my suggestions...hope they help.
Those are my suggestions...hope they help.

That's Funny I Don't Feel 'Happy'
I found out the other day that you could buy a certain mood. The television told me to go out and buy this item to feel better about myself.
It's an endless destination to try and find a "happy" medium. I've always asked why I should. I usually get the same answer: "just live life to your best ability"....
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I found out the other day that you could buy a certain mood. The television told me to go out and buy this item to feel better about myself.
It's an endless destination to try and find a "happy" medium. I've always asked why I should. I usually get the same answer: "just live life to your best ability"....
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"I do not understand how you can avoid recognizing principles, rules. What is the motive of your actions?"
"I have already told you, uncle, that we do not recognize any authorities," Arkady intervened.
"We act by the force of what we recognize as beneficial," Bazarov declared. "At the present time rejection is the most beneficial of all things, and so we reject."
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"I have already told you, uncle, that we do not recognize any authorities," Arkady intervened.
"We act by the force of what we recognize as beneficial," Bazarov declared. "At the present time rejection is the most beneficial of all things, and so we reject."
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to you too

When life's at it's worst. Disappear.
Jackson definitely close enough , what do you think of anSG Memphis inMay?
I'm an expert at disappearing.
friends and fiends
And here my parents keep trying to get me back there because of what they hear about New Orleans..