Hey there!
So I want to thank everyone SO MUCH on the love on my recent set "Spirit Bomb" shot by @brooklyn! We shot this set and another back in September in NYC right before I went on my trip to Japan. If you haven't checked it out please do! I would be sososo happy to see it on FP! ^_______^ Or my multi with @lua that is one of my favorite sets I've done!
In other news I'm hating this semester so much. I'm taking a statistics course for my Psych degree that is terrible. But I'm trying my best!
On the bright side this summer is going to be amazing! I'm going to a bunch of different concerts and cons! I know I'll be going to Awesome Con for a couple of days and my babe @lua will be there too! We'll be shooting some stuff for a surprise I think you guys will like ;)
I'm also going to Anime Expo this summer and I couldn't be more thrilled! It's been my dream to go so I can't wait to see all of the awesome booths and costumes! I don't want to carry a lot with me so I'll probably only bring a costume or two for that but I can't wait to explore LA more! Give me some cool places to go to there! I know I'll for sure be on Melrose for a whole day :P
Oh also I need some suggestions for some shorter series animus to watch! Just finished Erased on Hulu and that was GREAT!
And I also attached a picture taken by Henry Riggs at Katsucon of my babes @lua and @phecda! <3