Some facts about me (since I know you all care so much
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1.) From the time I was about 3 years old until my 11th birthday I used to have a dream of a yellow VW beetle driving down a dark road in the fall. This dream would always be followed by tons of nightmares to the point that I would try my hardest to wake myself up to prevent the nightmares. I still, to this day, get a little freaked out when I see a yellow beetle on the road.
2.) When I was little, my sister and I absolutely adored the Madeline book series. I was obsessed to to the point of wanting to be a French nun at an orphanage when I grew up. I didn't know that at the time my dream was impossible seeing as I am neither French, nor Catholic, but I still have a soft spot for those 12 little girls in two straight lines.
3.) My right ear is larger than my left, and sticks out at a weird angle. I am a circus freak.
4.) I am kind of OCD with certain things. For one, I have to brush my teeth in a very specific way in a very specific number. I also have to count when I'm pouring water in a glass and fold any blankets I see misplaced or else I get very uncomfortable. I know Samantha, this further fuels my position on the Crazy/Hot list.
5.) I HATE HATE HATE talking on the telephone. I'd much rather speak with someone in person. Yet I answer phone calls for a job. I am a masochist.
6.) When I was younger, I would either watch Peter Pan or Cinderella every single day. My obsession was so bad that I actually burned out both tapes and my mom had to replace them twice.
7.) Do not mention anything about "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" around me. I am not lying when I say right now that I will stab you if you do.
8.) I hate people touching my face, it totally skeeves me out.
9.) Every Christmas, I would ask Santa for a Madame Alexander doll, and every Christmas I wouldn't get one because my parents would say "If Santa got you a really expensive gift, like that doll, he couldn't afford to give other children gifts." I'm still a little bitter that I never got one. I might even buy myself one this year for my birthday.
10.) I have nicknames to identify people that they'll never know about.