For the second time since I got them only 4 months ago, I lost my glasses outdoors in a drunken state. This time it was Bleeder who found them for me. Last time it was another of my friends, Eric, who isn't a member here. I don't know how this happens, but it does. Having only been wearing glasses the last 4-5 years, I guess I'm still not adjusted to it. For the future I'll just put them somewhere safe if I decide to start drinking.
The second person to rescue my spectacles from certain peril.
The first person to rescue my spectacles from almost certain peril.
Well, I had a great time with my friend Bleeder and his puppy Sasha and his sister and their friends. It was good to see him after so long. We went to a bridge that was supposed to be haunted and tried to find an old mental hospital that is also supposed to be haunted. We had some beers. We thought about going bowling, but instead played lots of Pocket Tanks. His sister is a good cook. She makes a mean taco salad and her biscuits & gravy is top-notch. I have been turned on to Aqua Teen, after never being exposed before. All in all a good time. I needed that.
Now, to get some frickin' work done!

The second person to rescue my spectacles from certain peril.

The first person to rescue my spectacles from almost certain peril.
Well, I had a great time with my friend Bleeder and his puppy Sasha and his sister and their friends. It was good to see him after so long. We went to a bridge that was supposed to be haunted and tried to find an old mental hospital that is also supposed to be haunted. We had some beers. We thought about going bowling, but instead played lots of Pocket Tanks. His sister is a good cook. She makes a mean taco salad and her biscuits & gravy is top-notch. I have been turned on to Aqua Teen, after never being exposed before. All in all a good time. I needed that.
Now, to get some frickin' work done!

Hell yea. I still want to go there.

Start our business. This needs to happen bro.