You just might like to know that today I was shot down. I said, "Can I have your phone number?" She said, "I'm sorry, I'm engaged." My first thought was to give her a business card and offer to photograph the wedding. But then my embarassment and disappointment kicked in and I ended up just wishing her a good day before blasting off. I had to try. She's just delicious. Oh well. Have suplemented the homebrew gear with additional "stuff" and will be brewing up a stout tomorrow. I've been alternating between weeks of blurriness and weeks of that super-clarity that you only recognize after you've been a drunk for a little while and then sober up. This kind of clarity is usually bad, at least for me. I end up on the introspective head trip that has put members of my family inside. But I'll never go there. Gotta stay afloat. Stay... ...afloat.
I used to be a banner-waving Bush-supporting conservative republican. This is odd, especially when you consider my experience and the other stuff I'm into.
Needless to say now, but I'm conservative no longer. In fact, after all I've seen and heard, I'd like to see George W. and George Sr. both behind bars. Prison bars. These are evil men masquerading as born-again Christians.
Like father, like son. One term and then you're done.
In other news, I have restored my second machine to health. In fact, I beefed it up a bit and it's now running tip-top. I am pleased. This will be my Photoshop machine. This is good.
Thanks so much for reading, if you made it this far. Please leave a comment to make me feel a little less isolated.
You guessed it. It is very hot here.
yey!!! it's all about the decay!!!