Tonight was a business dinner, and it was only mildly excruciating. Better now; got a ride home from a work-friend and have spent the last two hours on the couch, drinking champagne and tearing through Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go. Words fail me - it was like dropping down a rabbit hole. I don't remember the last time I read a book and was so thoroughly confused/astounded/perplexed/affected by the story; I never could've predicted this, and I am about thirty pages from the end, and very curious to see how it all shakes out.
More Blogs
Friday Feb 15, 2008
So, I've never been big on Valentine's Day. Seems kind of silly to g… -
Wednesday Feb 13, 2008
So today, I received the results of my work review - and they were sp… -
Monday Feb 11, 2008
Spent the weekend downstate visiting bluvelvet and roguelibrarian. I… -
Thursday Feb 07, 2008
I desperately want these boots. Yes, they're $400. Yes, I would bu… -
Monday Feb 04, 2008
Over the weekend, watched a screening copy of No Country For Old Men … -
Friday Feb 01, 2008
I left work early today... ...but I'm going in tomorrow. Only … -
Monday Jan 28, 2008
Authors I can't believe I haven't read prior to the last few months..… -
Thursday Jan 24, 2008
Lazy after a long day at work...cut-and-pasting something that I wrot… -
Monday Jan 21, 2008
Is there anything better than a long weekend? Especially a long week… -
Thursday Jan 17, 2008
For the first time, I think I understand why people take vacations an…