The Adventures of The NeoPriest: The NeoPriest is an idealized version of myself and hence rich in embellishments.
Episode #1
An old, wise, battle-worn warrior king, sits on a throne of polished human bone and assorted animal furs. He has a thick beard and deep piercing eyes. His arms bulge with strength. Kneeling before the warrior king are two men. One is named Conan. He is a powerful wielder of iron, and he fights for the thrill of glorious battle. He kills to honor his barbarian god. He is adorned in battle armor. He is a mountain of muscle and warpaint. The other man is known as Gabriel. He is of average build and height. He is a cyber punk, and is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.
The warrior king looks down upon the two men and asks each the same question: "Conan what is best in life?" Conan does not hesitate to answer. "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women." The warrior king screams out that Conan is wrong! He then turns to Gabriel and prompts him for a response. Gabriel answers confidently: "Video games, hot tattooed girls in thongs, DC Comics, and chocolate milkshakes." The war king smiles upon Gabriel and validates his response, "This is good."
Moral of this tale: Be true to yourself, especially in regards to what you love. Never let the situation and or those around you influence your heart.
By Gabriel Priest