Soon I may get back to the business of writing about some exploits of interest. For now, I will continue the slow process of individual communication, until which time it's certain that our phoney B-Boy is completely incapable of invading the site using some pseudo persona du jour...that fuck. Don't worry dear, soon you will be behind bars, getting all that practice you'll need for...
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------------------------------ATTENTION: SERIOUS THREAT------------------------------
Beware of any associations, and those associated with the unnamed (zotted) former member of this site who told many lies to achieve the number of. I know he had a large following of people on the internet, though he fails miserably as a real person, because he lives in a world of his own lies (which he may believe). Please advise all...
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wow....... i want to ask what happened but then again i don't.....
Oooo dear, if its who I think it is then thats terrible, I know how much you and Luky adored him and took him under your wing. It continues to baffle me how you can know (or think you know) someone but really don't at all. I'm currently facing a similar situation with a friend of 18 years! It really is a shame that you have gotten fucked around, I hope not too much damage was done. Also sorry I never replied to your myspace letter, I was waiting til I had more time to return a lengthy note and forgot all about it til now! You know how much I appreciate the support of you and your lovely Mrs! Thank you!! And no, I wont let it get me down! The only thing thats going to stop anyone seeing me on here is if the censorship occurs again, which is very possible, but nonetheless I'll keep trying!
Thank you!!! 

I wanna go for a ride in that car!!!
Thanks for you nice comments.
You are a painter? Do you do photography too? If you lived closer I'd ask you to take my pics. I do them myself and they never really come out how I want them. Do you have art work up on this site? Someone who was once here did a painting of me a long time ago. I'll have to look at your pics and stuff. 

How is it that the best intentions find one's self steeped in shit? [...and why are artists such cannibal? Fuck 'em... I eat cannibals.]
No matter how great the sacrifice, I am willing to make it. The rub is, for those you do that for, are unaffected.
They have felt nothing--no loss--they are on the upside; the receiving end. We don't measure the shade of...
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No matter how great the sacrifice, I am willing to make it. The rub is, for those you do that for, are unaffected.
They have felt nothing--no loss--they are on the upside; the receiving end. We don't measure the shade of...
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Well, thats a nice rant. I can relate to that on occasion.
I hope things are looking a bit better by now.
Sorry I've kind of dropped off, I've been incredibly busy treading water here.
Things have been looking up, but mega hustle is still required to keep my head above water.
I hope things are looking a bit better by now.
Sorry I've kind of dropped off, I've been incredibly busy treading water here.
Things have been looking up, but mega hustle is still required to keep my head above water.
Time for a new rant.
I hope the holidays were good to you all. I know it's a very tough time of year for many who have hadto face some misfortune. The good news is that we can all kiss goobye what has been an ugly time, and look forward to celebrating the new year. So, have a monstrously good New Year's Eve. There's a lot ahead to celebrate for...
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Good times to you too, NeoPop!
Are you behaving badly??
(Miss you.)

(Miss you.)

I've had migraines for most of the last week following Radio Frequencing Lesioning (or Ablasion) on four nerve root levels in my neck. It's a shame they never had the chance to give some of this to Hitler. It's all timing... y'know?
I was beginning to wonder & worry about you, NeoPop. Glad you're back but sorry that you've been going through all that. Sounds awful.
Sorry to hear about your run of migraines love! I have had them for years, and they suck big time
When I was carrying our son, I had a migraine every single day for the last trimester, spent it laying on my couch with towels over my eyes trying to keep the light out.
Be well soon, K??

Be well soon, K??

So, what so I find in my email today, but a goodbye letter from SG. WTF!!! Aparently that little detail slipped through the cracks when everything got changed after the computer theft adventure. I'm certain something else will yet come forth to bite me in the ass as a result of that little episode.
Anyway, I've seen, and photographed many amazing amazing cars this weekend....
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Anyway, I've seen, and photographed many amazing amazing cars this weekend....
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GAAAACK!! Please tell me that you got everything sorted out with the great SG gods!!
I'm guessing that your message may be at least partially directed at me, and just wanted to say no worries! I know you will get to it when you can...I'm excited though, gotta admit that
You are so amazingly talented, makes me wish I had a fraction of your artistic ability love. I have gotten back into some of the stuff that I enjoy creating though...stop by my blog for some pictures of my paper crafts stuff if you are interested.
Big loves to you and your lovely bride
I'm guessing that your message may be at least partially directed at me, and just wanted to say no worries! I know you will get to it when you can...I'm excited though, gotta admit that

Big loves to you and your lovely bride

SG just wouldnt be SG without you here.....tell them where they can put their goodbye letter!
After spending a whole day taking my mother to the doctors, and then having to decipher all the radiological, gastro-interological, and ontological jargon to her... my head is about to explode. I'm glad I didn't stay in Philly last night, and awoke to a great day to visit friends in town.
Now, with the track open--local image meisters with absolutely no knowledge or interest in...
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Now, with the track open--local image meisters with absolutely no knowledge or interest in...
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Today, we work. Later we'll play.
PLAY?? I wanna play!!
How are you my friend?? I miss you!
How are you my friend?? I miss you!
I appreciate you taking the moment to verbablize that comment. Thanks.
I have heard many musicians express disbelief whenever a song becomes a smash hit. It may sometimes be the result of a PR handler's direction. Bryan Ferry was not coached in his shock, I'm sure, when "Love is the Drug" became a top ten hit. Well, I guess it has happened in visual art as well. I couldn't believe the sweet little old woman that...
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hehee thank you 

ADT seems to be pretty popular. That is who all the other folks in my family use for alarm services. I just maintain a relatively low profile and have campground managers that know exactly who belongs here and who doesn't. Between them and my neighbors I feel my place is pretty safe when I'm gone. When I'm here... Well, I'm from Texas and we have ways of dealing with such issues.
The world always looks different from ground level. You did a good job of capturing it.

The world always looks different from ground level. You did a good job of capturing it.
I was enjoying the effects of an old art school concoction of coffee and coke, which, with the proper creamer (preferably Fr. vanilla) ain't too bad... especially for working through the night. When I stopped by a friend's blog, she had made mention of chairs--they were special chairs. It got me thinking... which usually means trouble--and that starts with "T"and... [Trouble in River City?...anyone... (crickets...
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Ha! We have a few pretty key Giacometti pieces here in Houston in the sculpture gardens near the Museum of fine Arts here, within the museum itself, and within the Menil Collection, one of the more significant 20th century private collections. I've never had the audacity to sit on any of them.
It's always cool when someone has known artists in their own collections. I've been lucky enough to find myself in the presence of some, most recently here just hanging out having a coffee chat in the hallway as we stared a three very crucial works by two related artists. One of which was shortly dispatched thereafter for auction at Sotheby's where it fetched the highest price to date of a work in it's category. She kept the two best for herself though....and has an extensive personal collection. Stuff strewn everywhere.
I can't afford that sort of thing but do like to support local artists or galleries and have made a couple of wise selections, mainly though I get what makes me happy and falls within my budget at the time. I have been known to forgo practical things to acquire a painting. Even food. Bad thing is, I have a tendency to gift my guys with artworks or acquire pieces when involved with someone which they become attached often a break up means my collection gets busted up too.

I can't afford that sort of thing but do like to support local artists or galleries and have made a couple of wise selections, mainly though I get what makes me happy and falls within my budget at the time. I have been known to forgo practical things to acquire a painting. Even food. Bad thing is, I have a tendency to gift my guys with artworks or acquire pieces when involved with someone which they become attached often a break up means my collection gets busted up too.

Love your stories!!!
Must rule to have an ass that gravitates toward Giacometti.....
Must rule to have an ass that gravitates toward Giacometti.....
Crap! I hate when that happens.
Sweet ride.
Sweet ride.