Nothing new to report. Im bored as fuck these days. I feel like Im stuck in a rut. Ever seen groundhogs day? Yeah, like that. Im at the point where Im smashing up my alarm clock.

Maybe its the weather thats fucking me up. I need a new hobbie or a new activity to do. I tried the relationship route last week or so, but...
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Quote of the Day:

"Im just like a clock up on the wall...
...always moving but never going anywhere."

The Merry Christmas edition...

So I went to the bay where most of my family is from and it was good times. Got everything I wanted for the most part and all that. On Christmas night, went to the brothers house and there she was. One of the most beautiful girls of my childhood. However this time, she was a crack whore. Let me explain....
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Quote of the day:

"And the king spake and said unto Daniel, "Oh, Daniel, sevvant of the living God is thy God, whom thou servest continually, albe to deliever thee from lions?" And Daniel said unto the king, "Oh, King, live forever. My God Hath sent his angels and hath shut the lions' mouths. That they have not hurt me forasmuch as before him, innocency...
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Have you ever become witness to something like a book, maybe a movie or even real life and find it amazing how closely it resembles your own life or a situation your currently dealing with? I had my own experience tonight. For obvious reasons it put me in a state of ah. A moment of clarity if you will. So clear you vision cant begin...
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Ok, another quick random thought...

Why do companies pay you just enough to not quit and then question why you work just hard enough not to get fired?

Just a thought....
How bout' them cantelopes (better than apples), I have never been so religiously consitent with any sort of diary/journal. Im pumped, you be too, k?

Anywho, you ever been off work for a while, do to vacation or what have you. Then your first day back is like the longest day plus a little more? I clock gazed all day. At one point I had...
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No work for almost a week and a half now. On Monday the 3rd, I tweeked my hamstring a bit at work. Good part is I get paid to sit on my ass at home. The bad part is you get bored as hell with nothing to do. Stir crazy. Anywho, got released today to go back to work. Bur its gonna be cold out...
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As a guy, why is it when you say, "Im cold" someone says, "Dont be a bitch" or something along those lines? Why isnt it those who often find it too warm for their particular taste to be bitches?

Just random thoughts by I
hey you added pictures and started a journal.

and dont listen to ever says that.
I wasnt the cold one...like most guys, usually its warm for me. I was just a curious question. Thanx for checking me out...
Relatively boring day. No work, no play, no nothing. Just sat around.

I dont know whats wrong with me as of late, I cant sleep. I love it so much, need it, gotta have it....but I just lay there looking at my ceiling. Last night I logged none and just said fuck it. Came crashing back down today around 2pm. Hopefully this goes away. Anyone...
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