Nothing new to report. Im bored as fuck these days. I feel like Im stuck in a rut. Ever seen groundhogs day? Yeah, like that. Im at the point where Im smashing up my alarm clock.
Maybe its the weather thats fucking me up. I need a new hobbie or a new activity to do. I tried the relationship route last week or so, but got tired of her faster than I have with others. For some reason I A.D.D. out faster than ever in relationships. I just get distracted or lose interest.
Oh, and if I havent said it before, fuck work sucks. Pay days are of course the best thing since sliced bread but the daily bull shit or every day grind is killing me.
I think I need to start over. Keep the job (it sux but pays the bills) and the family but scatch everthing else. Be something else. Run from myself. I just need to break free...
and Im spent...
Maybe its the weather thats fucking me up. I need a new hobbie or a new activity to do. I tried the relationship route last week or so, but got tired of her faster than I have with others. For some reason I A.D.D. out faster than ever in relationships. I just get distracted or lose interest.
Oh, and if I havent said it before, fuck work sucks. Pay days are of course the best thing since sliced bread but the daily bull shit or every day grind is killing me.
I think I need to start over. Keep the job (it sux but pays the bills) and the family but scatch everthing else. Be something else. Run from myself. I just need to break free...
and Im spent...