Quote of the day:
"And the king spake and said unto Daniel, "Oh, Daniel, sevvant of the living God is thy God, whom thou servest continually, albe to deliever thee from lions?" And Daniel said unto the king, "Oh, King, live forever. My God Hath sent his angels and hath shut the lions' mouths. That they have not hurt me forasmuch as before him, innocency was found in me. And as before thee, oh, king, have I done no hurt. Have I done no hurt."
The Book of Daniel (Chapter 5)
Im not the religious type at all, but with the appropriate use of tone and inflection, this just sounded cool.
"And the king spake and said unto Daniel, "Oh, Daniel, sevvant of the living God is thy God, whom thou servest continually, albe to deliever thee from lions?" And Daniel said unto the king, "Oh, King, live forever. My God Hath sent his angels and hath shut the lions' mouths. That they have not hurt me forasmuch as before him, innocency was found in me. And as before thee, oh, king, have I done no hurt. Have I done no hurt."
The Book of Daniel (Chapter 5)
Im not the religious type at all, but with the appropriate use of tone and inflection, this just sounded cool.