Ok so a bunch of you asked why, and since I cant just LEAVE and have to wait for the account to just run out I guess I can say why. vaguely.
Just personal reasons have made me decide to no longer post on the website. It doesnt mean I don't love you guys any more it just means you cant see my pretty face...
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Just personal reasons have made me decide to no longer post on the website. It doesnt mean I don't love you guys any more it just means you cant see my pretty face...
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Having tight funds sucks. So mcuh more fun to have tight pants...at least in an erection sort of way...I mean...uh...*runs*

funny...we're both here even though we hadn't planned to be... 

Im leaving suicide girls for good this time.
Thanks to all the good friends I made and all the great advice.
Take care all of you in whatever you do.
Bye bye
Thanks to all the good friends I made and all the great advice.
Take care all of you in whatever you do.
Bye bye


I would also like to offer him this

my eyes are burning, lol
thanks for the comment.
hope IS a great thing. it keeps people sane and grounded.
sometimes it doesn't seem fair when people who are young have a disease, but some times life aint fair. they will however take better advantage of the time they do have on earth, time we take for granted too often. life is a journy full of experience. and with my theory of reincarnation, maybe the kid had to die to be reborn into a new body/incarnation because that soul was ment for great things down the road.
i don't think anyone picks and chooses who gets what disease, it's more of a random chance (or grand cosmic planning), like most things in life.
in a way, too, i am reminded of the hindu belief of reincarnation; they believe in punishment through reincarnation. if you are bad person this time 'round on earth, when you get reincarnated you will be lower down on the social totem pole next time, or if you are really bad you'll become something else icky -- like a dung beetle!
maybe the kids killed by aids because their was raped were going to turn out to be mass murderers... (some would argue that the "bad" part of the obviously bad man that raped the mother could have been genetically transmited ... etc)
who will ever know?
again, thanks for the comment.
hope IS a great thing. it keeps people sane and grounded.
sometimes it doesn't seem fair when people who are young have a disease, but some times life aint fair. they will however take better advantage of the time they do have on earth, time we take for granted too often. life is a journy full of experience. and with my theory of reincarnation, maybe the kid had to die to be reborn into a new body/incarnation because that soul was ment for great things down the road.
i don't think anyone picks and chooses who gets what disease, it's more of a random chance (or grand cosmic planning), like most things in life.
in a way, too, i am reminded of the hindu belief of reincarnation; they believe in punishment through reincarnation. if you are bad person this time 'round on earth, when you get reincarnated you will be lower down on the social totem pole next time, or if you are really bad you'll become something else icky -- like a dung beetle!
maybe the kids killed by aids because their was raped were going to turn out to be mass murderers... (some would argue that the "bad" part of the obviously bad man that raped the mother could have been genetically transmited ... etc)
who will ever know?
again, thanks for the comment.
I couldnt move this morning. My uterus paralyzed me.
My dog peed again today
He was SO good for the last three days. He peed downstairs, on the carpet and I cant get the fucking smell of pee out of it.
Bye Bye Puppy.
My dog peed again today

Bye Bye Puppy.
I sold him. He was still real young so I got my money back out of the little fuck. He ate phone chargers, speaker wires, anything electronic and refused to piss outside. I am fond of the boobs around the world profile pic. Damn good.
So if I sneak into your rook and try to tie your hands behind your back I have the feeling that things would go down differently than in your dream.
I might change my name back to neon_vomit due to popular demand. I am still not sure if I want to follow all the way through with the entire application process. Honestly im just starting to get way too self conscious and nervous.
May long was good, then it got bad, then it got good..and now its over.
Tomorrow might be the last day for...
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May long was good, then it got bad, then it got good..and now its over.
Tomorrow might be the last day for...
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Your SG hopefuls pics are wonderful.
You're a stone cold fox!

You're a stone cold fox!
Sorry to hear 'bout your dog. Sad.
Hey, Zenia's a cool name. Thought neon-vomit was hilarious though.
PLEASE go through with the application! I'd love to see you as a SG!
Hey, Zenia's a cool name. Thought neon-vomit was hilarious though.
PLEASE go through with the application! I'd love to see you as a SG!
SG night was fun. Thanks for all the help at the store. When I got back to my boys house I had two quick shots of tequilla and then another, but this time mixed it with some OJ...needless to say I passed out and next thing I knew it was morning. Uhm. shitty day outside. I feel like shit too. Im going for a bath....
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*sigh* wish I coulda came. Oh wellllls....next time!
you went home to the boy and didn't test drive the new toy????
hey stop by to check out the pics in my journal
hey stop by to check out the pics in my journal

Dont know if anyone will see this...but I might not be comming tonight. Kinda of broke and am not allowed to spend ANY more money unless i NEEEEEED to...
so i might be there might not, have fun either way !
so i might be there might not, have fun either way !
Being broke sucks. I should know I'm like a three year veteran.
I'm so glad you came out! I wish I could have stayed longer though

Went to see Thornley tonight. WHAT A GREAT FUCKING SHOW. Wouldda been better with a stool to sit on, been on my feet since five, I think this is the first time Ive sat down. ANYWAYS...Yes, fucking kicked ass and I was momentarily sandwhiched between two loverly men my boyfriend and the mysterious, yet gorgeous Flatlander.
Yah..im a little bit deaf and drunk. To...
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Yah..im a little bit deaf and drunk. To...
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I hate having to stand up for long periods of time. On the next KennyvsSpenny they have a contest on who can stand the longest.
I think I can only get about 5 or 6 hours before I call it quits but walking around helps so as long as I get to move I'll be cool. I was a door man at Jullians for 1 night I had to stand there all night I voiced my opinion about it on the boards about 3 weeks ago titled(the worst job ever).
Have you ever been forced to stand up for a long period of time?
I think I can only get about 5 or 6 hours before I call it quits but walking around helps so as long as I get to move I'll be cool. I was a door man at Jullians for 1 night I had to stand there all night I voiced my opinion about it on the boards about 3 weeks ago titled(the worst job ever).
Have you ever been forced to stand up for a long period of time?

SWEET! We should have a panty party!
Yeah, I dunno if I will be coming tonight. I have come down with some death virus, and I feel like a big bag of sick. I just wanna sleep for a million years
Yeah, I dunno if I will be coming tonight. I have come down with some death virus, and I feel like a big bag of sick. I just wanna sleep for a million years
Last minute a friend from Vicotria gives me a call and tells me he's in town. Him and a band he is playing with,Lythic Blue , (check them out) on a cross country tour played tonight ...unscheduled. Just dropped by and got a gig at the Easy Alibi. I walked to my car in the pouring rain. My tummy hurts. Again, I am in...
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Boston Billiards @ 8:30pm on Sunday. BE THERE. 

...sending you hugs and kisses.....
Why did they make your Baba change her name????

Why did they make your Baba change her name????
Just to get into the mood, and begin letting you all identify me under my new name I changed it. Neon Vomit will still live on in our hearts forever. But, another soon to be SG decided to change her name too so nobody could steal it from her. Hm, though Zenia isnt a very popular name I thought I wouldnt take my chances!
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i love that you said weiner and the term phone pants is a keeper
you should come out here in July for the Vancouver summer party at DV8, I'm sure you'd be well received and I definetly have a place for you and your barbell to stay

when do you wanna do the SG night? i was thinking maybe next weekend? like the saturday?
what do you think we should do?
- bowling
- pool
- lazer quest
- generic food joint
tell me if you have other ideas aswell. trying to get a concensious going...
thanks luv
what do you think we should do?
- bowling
- pool
- lazer quest
- generic food joint
tell me if you have other ideas aswell. trying to get a concensious going...
thanks luv