i love my friends. sigh. wart took me grocery shopping yesterday. soooo nice of her. i'm sooo thankful. i didn't end up cooking anything super special yesterday. i just cooked chicken and potatoes bosnain style (very greasy but super good). and tonight i made eggdrop soup from the leftover chicken broth. and it's fairly good.
i saw the two towers today thanks to my special boy(i
him). it was amazing. i seriously could sit there for nine hours through the trilogy if someone gave me a chance. all i'd need is some snacks, water and an intermission. that's all.
PAY ATTENTION TO THIS!!! i'm a super big fan of a canceled wonderful show called FREAKS AND GEEKS. if any of you out there are fans of this amazing series you should go here and please for the love of bajesus and all that is holy go there and vote for it to come out on DVD b/c that would make me a super duper happy girl. HELL even if you don't like the show please go and vote. it'll make a lot of us fans very very happy. now go. VOTE FOR FREAKS AND GEEKS ON DVD!!!
can you tell i'm obsessed?
i saw the two towers today thanks to my special boy(i

PAY ATTENTION TO THIS!!! i'm a super big fan of a canceled wonderful show called FREAKS AND GEEKS. if any of you out there are fans of this amazing series you should go here and please for the love of bajesus and all that is holy go there and vote for it to come out on DVD b/c that would make me a super duper happy girl. HELL even if you don't like the show please go and vote. it'll make a lot of us fans very very happy. now go. VOTE FOR FREAKS AND GEEKS ON DVD!!!

can you tell i'm obsessed?
i sent out the email last night... you didn't get it?
Oatmeal would be good right now! like your picture..going to be moving soon, have to start painting soon..blech....I never want to pack or paint again!!!