fighting sucks
is this the beginning of the end?
i made a resume tonight. i hope i get a job soon. i neeeeed it. desparatley. if anyone knows of anyplace in NY that's hiring let me know. thanks.
i hope my pukey feeling goes away and that my eyes stop stinging. i hate crying.

i made a resume tonight. i hope i get a job soon. i neeeeed it. desparatley. if anyone knows of anyplace in NY that's hiring let me know. thanks.
i hope my pukey feeling goes away and that my eyes stop stinging. i hate crying.
dont cry beautiful. i know how you feel. i often feel like that, but it does get better. my boyfriend and i have had crazy ass fights and in the end we just realize how much stronger we are for getting through it together. feel better hun!!
xoxo csilla