sigh. finally an update. hehe. been sort of busy and stuff. i can't concentrate on updating when i'm around people constantly so here i am having a moment of privacy.
nic and colin are here and they're absolutely great. it really makes me happy that they are staying here and that i'm getting to know them. saturday i took the two of them, raven, wart, and my friend lindsay to this artshow. it featured many artist but my favorites will remain to be twist and dalek. those boys are amazing at what they do. i just can't help but drool over their artwork and wish that i could afford even a tiny canvas or a carboard piece or just a doodle drawn by them. i wish that four years ago when i first discovered dalek and when he was selling his artwork for mostly less then 100 bucks a piece, that i got my fingers on some of it. sigh. livin' in the past gets ya nowhere right?
then we ate at zen palate. mmm yummy vegan food. and attempted to go see the hours but the show was sold out. grrrrr.
nic cooked for us last night but i missed it b/c i was at my boyfriend's having a fight. i did get to try her wonderful cheesecake. mmmm yuuuuum. nic's a great cook.
tonight i'm meeting up with freyja. looking forward to it very much.
i took robot to the vet today and she's 11 weeks old. the reason why the hair on the tip of her tail is missing is b/c it got frostbitten. her teeth that are missing are baby teeth so eventually they'll grow back. she was a very good and i'm very very proud.
nic and colin are here and they're absolutely great. it really makes me happy that they are staying here and that i'm getting to know them. saturday i took the two of them, raven, wart, and my friend lindsay to this artshow. it featured many artist but my favorites will remain to be twist and dalek. those boys are amazing at what they do. i just can't help but drool over their artwork and wish that i could afford even a tiny canvas or a carboard piece or just a doodle drawn by them. i wish that four years ago when i first discovered dalek and when he was selling his artwork for mostly less then 100 bucks a piece, that i got my fingers on some of it. sigh. livin' in the past gets ya nowhere right?
then we ate at zen palate. mmm yummy vegan food. and attempted to go see the hours but the show was sold out. grrrrr.
nic cooked for us last night but i missed it b/c i was at my boyfriend's having a fight. i did get to try her wonderful cheesecake. mmmm yuuuuum. nic's a great cook.
tonight i'm meeting up with freyja. looking forward to it very much.
i took robot to the vet today and she's 11 weeks old. the reason why the hair on the tip of her tail is missing is b/c it got frostbitten. her teeth that are missing are baby teeth so eventually they'll grow back. she was a very good and i'm very very proud.
nah, my pooh is alright, how's yours?
yay! i am glad the cutest kitty in the world is doing well. and i am glad that she has a great owner too... and your approval means alot!