I absolutely love the Battlefield franchise, especially the previous title Battlefield 1. The beta had been brilliant, albeit buggy as hell, but hey, that's what betas are for right?
I'd grabbed a copy of BF V a few days after release and eagerly installed it. Something feels... missing. It has a feel of a game only half finished. Weapon balances seem slightly off, and the textures just don't quite look right somehow. I'm sure once these are tweaked, it'll be the best yet. I'm holding out hope.
But despite all this, there are definitely some positives!
It's nice that you now have the ability to build reinforcements, obstacles and cover. Although it's not drastically game changing, its definitely a nice dynamic to add.
You now have to rely on your squad much more, for ammo, revives etc. which feels like a feature previous titles had been missing. And although you can't spot enemies like previously, I'm not really missing it.
The maps, especially 'Twisted Steel' and 'aerodrome' are beautiful!!
I'm looking forward to the future of this title for sure. Be sure to follow me on twitch.tv for gameplay, normally of a FPS kind!
Peace xo