I've always been obsessed with the paranormal from a young age. Be it fictional or reality, and in my time I've had quite a few interesting experiences.
Close to my local area there is a historical battle site, as in 1400's sort of historical. Which is surrounded by rather picturesque British country side and a few small villages. Anyhow, as a young girl we were driving around this area as we often did. When out of the corner of my dads eye he spotted a very old plane flying around. The sort that would have been around during the first world war. It was a clear day, and so we thought nothing of this. After-all, the area often has re-enactments and other goings on. After a few short minutes, the plane suddenly began to nosedive and spiral towards the ground, and crash into the distance. We drove around for a long time searching everywhere for the plane, it's pilot and passengers. To find absolutely nothing. No mention in the news. Nothing in the papers, no locals had noticed anything. Zilch. Now, either 4 of us were wildly hallucinating, or that was some spooky paranormal experience. So, yeah, suppose you could say that's a little haunted.