First of all , sorry for not being very active those last days... My father is very sick since some months , and it's very hard for all my family... Since last Tuesday , he is in hospital because his blood don't go to his feet , and this last one is all black... So it's needed to being cut at half of his leg...
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Sixteen years... Sixteen years to show how the alternative beauty is not a social suicide , but the beauty to be different ! I'm just here since few months , but I'm so happy to be here for this... I've meet here so much beautiful ladies , so much love , it's just amazing ! And I'm so proud so see a lot of french...
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Hello , my name is Gaël , a french guy 34 years old , new on this site but follower on FB's page sinces some years . I love photography , nude artistic , tatoos and piercings , so SG world was made for me ! Have a good night/day