Triple Rock Social Club tonight, kiddies! sounds of thin lizzy! it's the coolest... i'll be there... dawn will be there... natas will be there... darkjuan will be there... tiny will be there... braskey should be there (or i'll neuter him)... all in all should be a rockin' good time. irish bitches.
i need to get to one of the following today...
salvation army...
the goodwill...
must find hodgy green t-shirt that fits my chest like a wet glove.
dawn and i watched "i *heart" hukabees" last night. i'm not sure if either one of us really like the entire movie, but it inspired us to discuss red rubber balls all night. so it had that going for it... which was nice.

attention mpls/st.paul!!!
MPR is rocking it up today with a lot of cool irish music, i suggest you kick that dial down to 89.3... DO IT!!!!
**out for a bit to get car shit done... like oil change, check engine light turned off, and running lamp replaced.**

i need to get to one of the following today...
salvation army...
the goodwill...
must find hodgy green t-shirt that fits my chest like a wet glove.
dawn and i watched "i *heart" hukabees" last night. i'm not sure if either one of us really like the entire movie, but it inspired us to discuss red rubber balls all night. so it had that going for it... which was nice.

attention mpls/st.paul!!!
MPR is rocking it up today with a lot of cool irish music, i suggest you kick that dial down to 89.3... DO IT!!!!

**out for a bit to get car shit done... like oil change, check engine light turned off, and running lamp replaced.**

i would have come but my host went out and got wasted and i waas left sitting at a bar waiting for him to get home as i didnt have a key. im very pissed right now
Werd. I aim to please, well, a few people anyway. (And I'm good at what I do