well last week i started getting dizzy spells again. none that were big, but i started noticing them again. actually i think the first one i had was friday morning. i figured that a couple beers were it from the night before. well, they haven't stopped and this is something that became a serious frustration for me a couple times last year. i also thought i'd have the potential for these severe headaches that require me to pop some 'bextra' to even tolerate the odd pain again. well guess what started yesterday, that's right, the headaches!!! so, here i am back on meds to control my headaches.
moral of the story: don't hit my head!!! i'll punch you out.

POI~ i have an appointment scheduled for tuesday with neurologist... ironically it's a six month check up.
moral of the story: don't hit my head!!! i'll punch you out.

POI~ i have an appointment scheduled for tuesday with neurologist... ironically it's a six month check up.
Not really a SGTCer. billybillybilly was kind enough to let me join even though I live way out in the boonies. I have, however, heard great things about the group and the few people I have met are awesome.
Hope the headache situation improves soon.
best wishes man,