i thought THIS was hilarious!!!
and for whatever reason... i felt like being cool like Runk.
A is for age: 27
B is for booze: a fine LeRoux Blackberry Brandy anyone? Anyone?
C is for career: I am such a money pimp, it's ridiculous!
D is for Dad's name: John/Jack (not my two dads... "real" & "goes by")
E is for essential items to bring to party: Booze and my cock 'n' balls.
F is for favorite song at the moment: I always hate this question. Define, "at the moment" please? Well, Audioslave "Like a Stone" is on the radio... so at this moment...
G is for girlfriend: Dawn... you retards. Stay away Scoots!
H is for Hometown: Luxurious Golden Valley, MN
I is for instruments I play: Kazzoo, cowbell, and my cock.
J is for jam or jelly: I like to toss my jam every now and again.
K is for Kids: Dropped 'em off at he pool this morning.
L is for living arrangements: The Valley sucked me back in a few years ago.
M is for mom's name: Linda. (can't really get sassy with this one)
N is for name of friend: Michael, he likes to jerk off... a lot.
O is for overnight hospital stays: November 2004. I don't know, something about a tumor lodged in L3???
P is for Phobias: Germs... I've become a germ freak in my older years.
Q is for quotes you like: "I feel sorry for the people that don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning... they know that's the best they're gonna feel all day." ~FS
R is for longest Relationship: 3 years with a woman, and 16 years with myself.
S is for sexual position: "oops, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to stick it in your rectum. but hey, while i'm in there?"
T is for time you wake up: Noon, but my body is moving around 7:30ish.
U is for unique traits and features: A back vagina. I swear to god.
V is for vegetable you love: Carrotts... i guess???
W is for worst trait/feature: This little zit on my cheek this morning. Otherwise, let's face it... i'm fucking gorgeous!
X is for x-rays you've had: Dozen or so, plus numerous CTscans and MRI's.
Y is for yummy food I can make: I can cook circles around most people.
Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini... wanna see my twin???
Runk, that was lame, buddy. why did i even do that? that's it... i'm off to see the chiropractor and have them rub my back vagina with surgical steal tools to aid in the elimination of my scar tissue so i can get a zipper over the mother fucker.

i thought THIS was hilarious!!!
and for whatever reason... i felt like being cool like Runk.
A is for age: 27
B is for booze: a fine LeRoux Blackberry Brandy anyone? Anyone?
C is for career: I am such a money pimp, it's ridiculous!
D is for Dad's name: John/Jack (not my two dads... "real" & "goes by")
E is for essential items to bring to party: Booze and my cock 'n' balls.
F is for favorite song at the moment: I always hate this question. Define, "at the moment" please? Well, Audioslave "Like a Stone" is on the radio... so at this moment...
G is for girlfriend: Dawn... you retards. Stay away Scoots!
H is for Hometown: Luxurious Golden Valley, MN
I is for instruments I play: Kazzoo, cowbell, and my cock.
J is for jam or jelly: I like to toss my jam every now and again.
K is for Kids: Dropped 'em off at he pool this morning.
L is for living arrangements: The Valley sucked me back in a few years ago.
M is for mom's name: Linda. (can't really get sassy with this one)
N is for name of friend: Michael, he likes to jerk off... a lot.
O is for overnight hospital stays: November 2004. I don't know, something about a tumor lodged in L3???
P is for Phobias: Germs... I've become a germ freak in my older years.
Q is for quotes you like: "I feel sorry for the people that don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning... they know that's the best they're gonna feel all day." ~FS
R is for longest Relationship: 3 years with a woman, and 16 years with myself.
S is for sexual position: "oops, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to stick it in your rectum. but hey, while i'm in there?"
T is for time you wake up: Noon, but my body is moving around 7:30ish.
U is for unique traits and features: A back vagina. I swear to god.
V is for vegetable you love: Carrotts... i guess???
W is for worst trait/feature: This little zit on my cheek this morning. Otherwise, let's face it... i'm fucking gorgeous!
X is for x-rays you've had: Dozen or so, plus numerous CTscans and MRI's.
Y is for yummy food I can make: I can cook circles around most people.
Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini... wanna see my twin???
Runk, that was lame, buddy. why did i even do that? that's it... i'm off to see the chiropractor and have them rub my back vagina with surgical steal tools to aid in the elimination of my scar tissue so i can get a zipper over the mother fucker.

Ocean's 13