a nice weekend has rounded up. dawn was having her furnace replaced this weekend (insert joke here), so she stayed with me. missed out on a poker game as a result, but still went to the "cash only" show instead. a bunch of other folk (darkjuan, thejuanupsman, robot_love, galen) all showed up making it for a fun evening. i think it's conceivable that i could shovel horse shit with her all afternoon and still think it was a fun time.
do you ever think you know exactly where you are, but have this intuition that something may not be what it seems?
oh yeah, going to the t-wolves v. pistons game this evening at the target center. afterward meeting up with d at a b-day party for her mc'friend.

do you ever think you know exactly where you are, but have this intuition that something may not be what it seems?
oh yeah, going to the t-wolves v. pistons game this evening at the target center. afterward meeting up with d at a b-day party for her mc'friend.

[Edited on Jan 24, 2005 10:39PM]
what did you think of that live brian wilson cd
reminds me of the ride you gave me home from the bar the night I met everyone for the first time at fatboys
I had taken to leaving for the evening rather late, by foot across town, with my imagination working overtime
I was greeted by Judas and D_P , I was sweating profusely, it was smokey, I choked out a hello and made my akward first impressions
if it seems like I am rambling unnecesarrily it might be because my actions leave me as they often do, with much to shed light on
I didnt leave you with much option as to deny me a ride, hell I even got shotgun , despite the fact I lived somehwere not nearly in the direction you were heading.
The truth, what happened, has a metaphor in it, a parrable, my writing is terrible and I should use spell check
thats not it
what comes to mind is, kindness, I cant go about writing 20 thousand of these a day, so really this is were it ends
we're old friends with no past , and if I have any last words before I execute the "submit comment" command
I might not get a chance to tell you, and everyone here again,
words, text, pictures emails sent, pay for sg before rent, lent out give away burned cds
I got myself into what I am currently in
not a giant nutshell, not a terribly cumbersome wet paper bag
its been a drag not being out and about, but I have a feeling there is poetry because i have friends
Take care, and ah,, fucking vikings they did it again-- my theory is they are a grand comedy yes, better then friends, more endearing and dangerously volatile when shaken or taken seriouisly
got a nice ring, tone to it