... turkey put in oven t-minus two hours
... the lovely dawn arrives in two and a half hours
... doors open in three and half hours
... adult beverages consumed
... food cut up and displayed for eating in six hours
but in other news... the mustachio is officially gone. sorry, ladies, but you missed your nickel opportunity of a life time!
all good things must pass. okay, gotta run and finish my prep work for the evenings SGTC holiday shindig. if you're mildly retarded and have failed to e-mail me about directions, call me (won't be online too much) @ xxxxxxxxxx if you're from out of town, and are just jealous of all the fun and shinanagan's of the SGTC crew and just want to check in and say hi... feel free... i guess... ???

... the lovely dawn arrives in two and a half hours
... doors open in three and half hours
... adult beverages consumed
... food cut up and displayed for eating in six hours
but in other news... the mustachio is officially gone. sorry, ladies, but you missed your nickel opportunity of a life time!

and i still haven't started my christmas shopping.
lunch soon?