Some of the best news of my life today... I don't have cancer.

further information pertaining to my situation...
so, they were only able to get 90-95% of my tumor out with my surgery due to sensitivity of a nerve root that the tumor had decided to wrap itself around. bottom line, the kind of tumor that i have (yes, even that little 5-10%) will continue to grow and must be completely eradicated one way or another. monday i have lined up another mri and ct scan to get a fresh picture of what exactly is left to be removed. after the radiologist reports from each, i will need to have meetings with two different surgeons. i will A) have what's called "radiation surgery" which is essentially a pain free surgery (term is used loosely here) using a radiation laser treatment. ~or~ B) they'll need to remove part of my 3rd lumbar vertabrae and i'll need to have some fakie parts put in and a fusion. this isn't rocket science as to which way i'd prefer it to go, but the reality of it is, the radiation surgery may not be able to 100% remove what i have left.
i will continue to further update my condition once i know more.
EVERYONE... take care of yourselves!!!
*a tit before midnight*
I just found it to be utterly amazing how one of my best days, had just become one of my worst days. maybe i've just had too much time to think about shit, i don't know. but i suddenly am depressed. in a flash, i looked around to find nothing. nothing. sometimes life is odd. sometimes life isn't fair. sometimes life just gives you so many twists and turns, you just dont know in which direction you are moving. shits fucked up. in a time in my life where more people have banded around me to show me their love... i suddenly am alone. my house is empty. i hear sounds that don't exist, or at least they shouldn't. i'm suddenly lonely and afraid to go to bed. i don't want to go to bed. i don't want to go to bed alone. frankly, i'm scared to fall asleep tonight not knowing what curveball i'll be getting tomorrow. why can't it just be more simple. why do the hallways echo with silence.
why me?

further information pertaining to my situation...
so, they were only able to get 90-95% of my tumor out with my surgery due to sensitivity of a nerve root that the tumor had decided to wrap itself around. bottom line, the kind of tumor that i have (yes, even that little 5-10%) will continue to grow and must be completely eradicated one way or another. monday i have lined up another mri and ct scan to get a fresh picture of what exactly is left to be removed. after the radiologist reports from each, i will need to have meetings with two different surgeons. i will A) have what's called "radiation surgery" which is essentially a pain free surgery (term is used loosely here) using a radiation laser treatment. ~or~ B) they'll need to remove part of my 3rd lumbar vertabrae and i'll need to have some fakie parts put in and a fusion. this isn't rocket science as to which way i'd prefer it to go, but the reality of it is, the radiation surgery may not be able to 100% remove what i have left.
i will continue to further update my condition once i know more.
EVERYONE... take care of yourselves!!!
*a tit before midnight*
I just found it to be utterly amazing how one of my best days, had just become one of my worst days. maybe i've just had too much time to think about shit, i don't know. but i suddenly am depressed. in a flash, i looked around to find nothing. nothing. sometimes life is odd. sometimes life isn't fair. sometimes life just gives you so many twists and turns, you just dont know in which direction you are moving. shits fucked up. in a time in my life where more people have banded around me to show me their love... i suddenly am alone. my house is empty. i hear sounds that don't exist, or at least they shouldn't. i'm suddenly lonely and afraid to go to bed. i don't want to go to bed. i don't want to go to bed alone. frankly, i'm scared to fall asleep tonight not knowing what curveball i'll be getting tomorrow. why can't it just be more simple. why do the hallways echo with silence.
why me?
But I know what you said,, muhahhaha
and how dare you call me a pig, pig.