Ahhh... what a delightful evening!
I could see the pride in billybillybilly's face with everyone. *I* actually felt a tit underdressed for an SGTC occasion. Will wonders never cease? Man, I think Pinko put it well, when she stated in her journal that "porno friends is only for my amusement", we truly have bonded into good friends.
I think I have that warm and fuzzy puppies and bunnies feeling in my tummy.

Something was so oddly beautiful about laying in bed and gently carressing her face with a little Mule Variations playing in the background. *content*
I could see the pride in billybillybilly's face with everyone. *I* actually felt a tit underdressed for an SGTC occasion. Will wonders never cease? Man, I think Pinko put it well, when she stated in her journal that "porno friends is only for my amusement", we truly have bonded into good friends.
I think I have that warm and fuzzy puppies and bunnies feeling in my tummy.

Something was so oddly beautiful about laying in bed and gently carressing her face with a little Mule Variations playing in the background. *content*
Buddy of mines sister used to bartend there- I can't say I remember much else from our trips up there-I'll come out fer sure-you should AIM if you have it