Well it finally happened. I'm seperated from the wife. We decided to split ways. I am almost completely moved in with some friends in town. So I will be staying in Lafayette which is sweet. I actually like this town, and i've been going out on a regular basis and meeting new friends around here. There is one sweet little bar, we go to every weds night to play some beer pong. It's pretty sweet. I know I should be down, but it's kind of hard to be when the split was mutual and i've been having a much better time now, just getting to enjoy being social again. =D I hope all is well for everyone out there. Talk to you soon!!
More Blogs
Monday Jul 04, 2005
Test Test <img src="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b123/Nitest… -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2005
OK Ok I am updating my journal.I know what is the world coming to huh… -
Thursday May 05, 2005
I am soo ready for tommorrow to come.It's my girls birthday this satu… -
Monday Apr 11, 2005
Well hey all it's been awhile since I have last updated.I'm sitting h… -
Thursday Feb 24, 2005
Ok I just wanted to post a semi drunkness update.Thank you all very m… -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
Well seeing as how I have no Recollection on making my last journal e… -
Wednesday Jan 26, 2005
Just an update I am crunk At the moment,meaning I am drunk beyond rec… -
Monday Jan 10, 2005
HI *waves* -
Monday Nov 22, 2004
Guess whose back,back again ok enough of that crap.I am updating this… -
Wednesday Nov 17, 2004
Sorry I haven't been active for awhile.I've really been seriously con…