wow so far summer has been busy. I thought I was finally going to get some free time, and be able to update this semi reguarly. Work has been keeping me busy, between both jobs. But things are going great. I can't wait to start classes again next semester. I've got about a year left. I recently got to go home, and see all of my friends and family recently. That was alot of fun. I cooked my wife a nice italian meal the other night. I'm looking forward to being able to actually cook everynight, and stop eating out. I'm getting a diet set in place, something balanced. Getting a gym membership here soon, and going to be doing alot of cycling and such. Well I hope everything is going well with you all =D
More Blogs
Saturday Jan 19, 2008
Wow I was just looking at my info after I just made a post on a board… -
Tuesday Nov 20, 2007
ok well time for another new blog before the old one gets one month b… -
Friday Oct 12, 2007
I just realized that I am probably the worse person on here about upd… -
Wednesday Mar 29, 2006
Well I had my first day at my new Walgreens store the other day in We… -
Saturday Mar 25, 2006
hello all -
Tuesday Mar 14, 2006
Alright everyone I am back I do plan on being a bit more active this … -
Wednesday Oct 19, 2005
Alright everyone I may go gray for a bit.I'm in the process of moving… -
Saturday Sep 10, 2005
Well I don't update this page too often,cause most of the time I don'… -
Friday Aug 19, 2005
Ok well I went to see my old High School Football team play a rival t… -
Monday Jul 04, 2005
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i hope i can participate in the drunkening before the chicago night... y'know, don't drink and drive. but i really want to go and strut my stuff in that lingerie contest! and i haven't been to chicago in ages, so i'm dying to go back.