Wow I was just looking at my info after I just made a post on a board. I can't believe I've already been on this site for 4 years. Man time is flying by. Sorry I haven't updated. I'm doing really well, just extremely busy anymore. Classes started back up again, and I think this semester is going to be pretty easy, besides math. My math teacher is totally hot!! So maybe that'll help me lol In one of my criminal justice classes we are going to be doing fingerprinting, setting up fake crime scenes, and casting footprints. I soo can't wait. Now if only it would get warmer outside. I was delivering last night and tonight and it was like 0 degrees outside. Well I hope you all are doing great. =D
hey whats up? you dont talk to me any more.
im not doing to bad. ive just been packing so i can move on the 25th.