I just realized that I am probably the worse person on here about updating my blog. lol I can never really think about what to write. For the most part my life is boring. Well I guess I will just update everyone on what's going on in my life. Since my last post I have since quit Walgreens. It was an ok job when I worked in the photo lab. But as soon as I got moved to being a pharmacy technician things went sour fast. Maybe it was just most of the people I dealt with on a daily basis in West Lafayette. When I started getting yelled at by customers just for asking how I can help,I decided that was the end of retail for me.I have recently got into college as well. My original major was going to be Chemical Technology with a minor in forensics. But the more I looked into it,the more I realized it'd be hard to find a job in. Atleast around Indiana. So I am changing my major to law enforcement, where once I graduate I will apply to be an officer with the Lafayette police department. I'm hoping to do a ride along within the new couple of weeks,and in about a year I will hopefully be doing my internship with them.So now I am working for Ivy Tech in the open computer lab. I get paid for surfing the internet,and doing my homework. So no complaining there. My other job I work as a Jimmy Johns delivery guy on the weekends in West Lafayette. Friday and Saturday nights I work 3rd shift from 11pm-4-5 am. I really enjoy the job,and all the people I tend to deliver to. I've had countless oppurtunties to beer pong,beer bong and just come party at some frats. Kind of sucks I am working though,because I'd love to partake in these activities. Well I will try to keep this blog updated as much as I can. I make no promises,and hopefully I can get more people on my friends list lol =D
i have some ideas of what i want to get but im not a 100% sure yet. i work at teleservices as a monitor. yeah im sure i will see you if i go back plus i live right down the street from ivy tech.
aww, you're cute.