Wow I have not been on this site in sooooo long. It looks like so much has changed. I will have to get used to getting around on it again. I hope all of my friends out there have been doing good!! =D Lots of catching up to do.
So my friend Tyler got a record player and tied it into his Home stereo system. So after drinking some beers we decided to go through some of the records he got. There is just something about listening to a vinyl over cd that I like. Not to mention I'd rather store vinyl records then cds. But anyhoo the point is I found out about...
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im going! i dont really like the place they are playing at but it should be fun.
my interview went really good thanks!
my interview went really good thanks!
Well I recently came across this song, that I beileve fits my feeling for someone to the T right now. It's rough cause we are a 1,000 miles away. But I'd gladly walk it just to get to see her. Although this song came out awhile ago I just now heard it for the first time ever lol So here it is
I will Possess...
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I will Possess...
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it is very expensive! i still have never gone to the checkerboard. i have a interview tomorrow! im really nervous.
Well everyone sorry it's been a few weeks since my last update. Things have been a little crazy for me these last few weeks. But things have moved on. I'm currently now, pretty set on staying in lafayette. I'm going to focus alot on my job and moving up in the company. The goal is within 3 years I should be working at the corporate...
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yup i went to harrys and hunters. ive seen the checkerboard and a couple of my friends told me about it. mb ill check it out this weekend or next.
I Miss You!!!

Well I hope everyone is having a good holiday. Everything here has been doing good. I think I'm adjusted from moving out, and moving in with some friends. Work keeps me pretty occupied, so sadly I don't get alot of free time. This weds as soon as I get off work i'll be driving to Denver. Going to check it out, spend a few days...
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what are you going to get? im saving my xmas and bday money to get swallows i think.
never seen it. but i like red ink and stars so it sounds cool.
Well it finally happened. I'm seperated from the wife. We decided to split ways. I am almost completely moved in with some friends in town. So I will be staying in Lafayette which is sweet. I actually like this town, and i've been going out on a regular basis and meeting new friends around here. There is one sweet little bar, we go to every...
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Well my best friend just got married this past weekend. It was a fun weekend. I left from work on thursday to go back home home, and see everyone. I was the best man in the wedding. So thursday night we had a small bachelor party. Unfortunetly alot of people had to work, so it wasn't all that big. And the groom didn't want strippers....
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that's cool, not sure who those two are off the top of my head, might recognise them if i see them though. I definitely need to get out more, lol.
Well I was going to wait to post a new blog when I found out more information. But I am being promoted to manager at Jimmy Johns. I don't know my date yet, but sometime soon I will be heading to Champaign area for 3 whole weeks. If anyone knows anything worthwhile to do there let me know. I'll be in a hotel room by...
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it's all right... i've gone back to work (i'm a server at steak 'n shake -- ugh!). do you know when you're leaving for champaign?
eh, it depends in carmel... business has been really slow this summer. when i started two summers ago i could clear $60-70 in tips on a friday or saturday night. last weekend i made about $30 each night.
yeah, when i applied, i all but begged to be put on the line... but then they put me on service. i really don't like it. problem is, they're always willing to take me back in summer or whenever i want to pick up hours.
and i hate those stupid fucking red bow ties!

yeah, when i applied, i all but begged to be put on the line... but then they put me on service. i really don't like it. problem is, they're always willing to take me back in summer or whenever i want to pick up hours.
and i hate those stupid fucking red bow ties!

wow so far summer has been busy. I thought I was finally going to get some free time, and be able to update this semi reguarly. Work has been keeping me busy, between both jobs. But things are going great. I can't wait to start classes again next semester. I've got about a year left. I recently got to go home, and see all of...
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hello, new SG friend!

i'm all right, you? i'm actually craving a sandwich from your employer right now.
i hope i can participate in the drunkening before the chicago night... y'know, don't drink and drive. but i really want to go and strut my stuff in that lingerie contest! and i haven't been to chicago in ages, so i'm dying to go back.
i hope i can participate in the drunkening before the chicago night... y'know, don't drink and drive. but i really want to go and strut my stuff in that lingerie contest! and i haven't been to chicago in ages, so i'm dying to go back.