when you go to the doctors... when your sick in the head...e they make you look at ink blots on a page.... they expect you to make something out of these ink blots... like your obvios problem that you have but can only be reporduced to you by ink blots... so... what if you look at the pictures and infer the answer that some lazy fuck just threw ink on a page and all you see are inkblots that cost you $150 to look at....... i never understood this... then again I have never been to one of thoes places... all the mental help I need is right here for $4 a month thank you SG. thank you....

in other words, it's bullshit. I can't believe people are still practicing this method.
So what's one of your favorite parts in fallout2? I like the shotgun wedding
You know, I only got the car once and after that I didn't play for a while and then I forgot how I got it. Where do you get the thing to make the car work?
Ahhh....the Cafe of Broken Dreams, that was great. Did you ever come across the pot of petunias and exploded whale? I was so happy when I found that.
I think strippers can do whatever they want.