crazy night last night. had a holiday work party at a japanese steakhouse, where shrimp and other random objects were seen flying through the air ( and onto people's shirts, glasses etc..)
the party moved on to a nearby bar, where much molestations, ass grabbing and various sexual innuendos ensued. ie: for pool "you handle your stick really well" etc....
then about 5 of us had an afterparty at one of the guys' apartments. more craziness there...and apparently now i have a boyfriend for one week.
we have a week to have hot sex then it's all over. (haha)
and the new guy at work has a crush on me and asked if he could kiss me.....
i gave him a little smooch, but i'm not into him at all like that..
argh..anyway, very fun, yet very strange evening...
the party moved on to a nearby bar, where much molestations, ass grabbing and various sexual innuendos ensued. ie: for pool "you handle your stick really well" etc....
then about 5 of us had an afterparty at one of the guys' apartments. more craziness there...and apparently now i have a boyfriend for one week.
we have a week to have hot sex then it's all over. (haha)
and the new guy at work has a crush on me and asked if he could kiss me.....

i gave him a little smooch, but i'm not into him at all like that..
argh..anyway, very fun, yet very strange evening...
the guy at work sounds like a disaster
Tell the guy at work about your boyfriend.. just dont mention the week part!
as for tofutti cuties! mmmmmmmm
I have 3 boxes in my freezer