And if I was I'm sure the news would have reached this site by now.
Things are sorta/kinda/maybe calming down a bit. Missed you fuckers.
How's things?
YES! You're a fuckin' genius, Nene. There I was. Holding your dead limp body in my arms. I stare longingly into your lifeless eyes, gazing at the Xs that have appeared like on dead fish in old cartoons, as I think to myself "You know I totally could. No one would really KNOW would they?" Then it hits me! I have three car batteries, two pair of jumper cables, and four half-drank bottles of Jack Daniels right here at my disposal! Out come your perky-ass nipples and rest is life-saving history. :D
Things are AWESOME. Planning on quitting software entirely by 2016 and being a full-time musician. Before I get too old to take chances. Finally got a good singer.